Reading - Weekly Concept - Animal Features, Essential Question- How do animals' bodies help them? Genre - Folktale. Stories of the week - Snail and Frog Race, Little Rabbit, Snail's Clever Idea, A Fox Tail, The Magpie's Nest, Paired Read - Snails: Small, Slow and Slimy.
Build Background, Summarize the Text, Make connections and write about it.
Reading Comprehension - Sequence of Events: Folktale , Describe major events in story using key details, ask and answer questions to understand the text, understand the story's central message using clues, Text Feature Charts.
Phonological Awareness- Phoneme Awareness, Phoneme Isolation , Structural Analysis- Alphabetical Order Phonics and Spelling: Long a: a, ai, ay, ea, ei, eigh, ey. Phonics Decodable Reader, words with long a, ai, ay
High Frequency Words
Grammar- Irregular Verbs: Was and Were, Commas in Dates, Text Features, Identifying use of verbs: in past, present and future tense, Writing- informative text
Math - Tens and Ones - Place Value of Digits, Expanded Form, One Less or One More, Identifying Before, Between, After and Comparing Numbers. Test on Thursday.
Social Studies - Scholastic News.
Science - Scholastic Science Magazine- Science Spin- Do Elephants have names? Children will identify steps a scientist used to investigate his idea that elephants call out to each other by name.
Religion - Exploring the Gospel Message- This Week’s Gospel: Luke 2:22–40 The Gospel for this Sunday is about Jesus’ Presentation at the Temple. We will discuss that while everyone is different, God made each of us special. Also,why Mary and Joseph took baby Jesus to the Temple. Do they understand why Simeon and Anna were so happy about meeting Jesus? Chapter 12, We Pray with God's Word.
Spelling Words -Long a: a, ai, ay, ea, ei, eigh, ey - Test on Friday
1) mail
2) chain
3) play
4) rain
5) way
6) day
High Frequency Words
Dates to Remember in February:
Tuesday 4th, Grade 8th Graduation Pictures and re-takes
Tuesday 11th, School Mass
Friday 14th, Noon Dismissal, After care Available
Monday 17th, President's Day, School Closed
Monday 24th, Fundraising #3 (Begins last fundraising for the school year)