Grade 5
Ms. Cortes

  • Weekly Announcements:

    Reading: This week, we will read "Who Wrote the US Constitution" and discuss various problems and solutions. A vocabulary and spelling quiz will be given this Friday on the following words:

    Vocabulary words: committees, convention, debate, proposal, representatives, resolve, situation, and union

    Spelling words: joint, foul, coil, hoist, stout, dawdle, mouthful, counter, brought, brawl, fountain, sprawls, douse, clause, sprouts, caution, turmoil, scrawny, foundation, turquoise
    Challenge: renown, buoyant

    Math: We will prepare for fractions by discussing prime factorization, greatest common factors, and fraction sense.

    Science: We will focus on the scientific method and creating thesis statements

    Social Studies: We will explore hard times in Virginia, new European colonies, and French & Dutch Settlements.
  • Specials

    Monday: Art & Music

    Tuesday: Spanish

    Wednesday: Spanish

    Thursday: Gym

    Friday: Technology
  • We have simple rules...

    Rule # 1: Follow directions quickly.
    Rule # 2: Make smart choices.
    Rule # 3: Do your personal best.
    Rule # 4: Be kind.

    There’s a nice way to say everything. If you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all.

  • School Supplies 

    Each child should bring the following:

    • box of tissues
    • paper towels
    • hand sanitizer
    • disinfectant wipes